"Somewhere In the South Pacific" is the story of John and Lucia de Roxtro, newlyweds, separated by the Second World War, as told in their letters and journals. Johnny was a Seabee with the 15th Naval Construction Battalion stationed on islands in the South Pacific. As all information was highly secret, all Johnny could do to inform his wife about his location was to write the word "Somewhere" under the date of each letter. Lucia knew nothing about where he was or if he was safe. She waited anxiously for the mailman each day while Johnny yearned for news from home which was spotty, depending on whether or not the mail could get through. A baby girl was born shortly after Johnny's enlistment. He didn't get to see is daughter for over 2 years. Lucia did her best to send many photos while Jackie was growing up. "Somewhere" is the story of a small town middle-class Italian-American family with great grandparents, a widowed and working Grandmother, and a family that held strongly together and who supported one another through the crisis of war.