When FBI Special Agent Joe Merriwether (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) is unable to solve a series of homicides, he decides to enlist the help of his former colleague Dr. John Clancy (Anthony Hopkins), a retired physician with psychic powers. The reclusive Clancy, who shuttered his practice...
When FBI Special Agent Joe Merriwether (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) is unable to solve a series of homicides, he decides to enlist the help of his former colleague Dr. John Clancy (Anthony Hopkins), a retired physician with psychic powers. The reclusive Clancy, who shuttered his practice...
At 17, Sole is mourning the death of her father while adjusting to her new life with her overbearing grandmother in the Ladera Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles. Desperate to escape, she discovers a performance art grant that would take her back to New York and the comfort...
At 17, Sole is mourning the death of her father while adjusting to her new life with her overbearing grandmother in the Ladera Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles. Desperate to escape, she discovers a performance art grant that would take her back to New York and the comfort...
At 17, Sole is mourning the death of her father while adjusting to her new life with her overbearing grandmother in the Ladera Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles. Desperate to escape, she discovers a performance art grant that would take her back to New York and the comfort...
At 17, Sole is mourning the death of her father while adjusting to her new life with her overbearing grandmother in the Ladera Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles. Desperate to escape, she discovers a performance art grant that would take her back to New York and the comfort...