Acknowledged as the most comprehensive, easy-to-read introduction to social welfare policy available, Social Welfare: Politics and Public Policy, 8/e, emphasizes the current political aspects of policy making and major social welfare programs, including...
Note: This is the loose-leaf version of Social Welfare and does not include access to the Enhanced Pearson eText. To order the Enhanced Pearson eText packaged with the loose-leaf version, use ISBN 0134150511. Acknowledged as the most comprehensive,...
Acknowledged as the most comprehensive, easy-to-read introduction to social welfare policy available, Social Welfare: Politics and Public Policy, 8/e, emphasizes the current political aspects of policy making and major social welfare programs, including...
B> This is the leading book in social welfare policy in departments of social work, political science, administration and government. Originally written with Thomas Dye, subsequent editions by Diana DiNitto have been acknowledged as the most comprehensive orientation to social...