Vincent "Smooth" Lamond is back and on the run-not from the feds this time, but from the unnamed
"It" that compels him to lie, cheat, steal, and always live on the edge. Hoping to get his life on track,
Vincent is bound for New York City, where an education and his estranged son await. Along the way,
Vincent makes a fateful stop in Spartanburg, South Carolina, only for the "It" to strike again. Soon
Vincent is up to his old tricks-plotting schemes, cracking safes, and getting mixed up with the daughter
of one of Spartanburg's most powerful citizens. Fueled by drugs and paranoia, Vincent flees the South to
find sanctuary with his family in Queens, but there is no sanctuary from himself. The "It" has him
scheming and the dope has him spiraling, and when the appearance of an old work acquaintance seems a
bit too coincidental, Vincent begins to suspect New York is no safe haven. One thing seems certain,
though-something has to give. Not even Smooth can live the life of a non-convicted criminal forever.
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