I've always been a huge comic strip fan going back to the days when my dad was the press foreman and he let me (as a little kid) watch the "Sunday Funnies" get printed. Awesome! Fast forward to my high school years. I was bored and killing study hall time in the library when I stumbled upon this book. The book is broken down by period going back to the first comic strips and working their way up to the early 70's. There's...
thank God I found this book 20 years ago. To me, this mammoth oversized anthology of color and b/w strips (mostly vintage 1895-1950) was and is an education, a revelation and a door to a separate reality. Who knew that such fully realized, utterly compelling and unique works of art were once commonplace features in our daily and Sunday newspapers? Compiler Bill Blackbeard provides minimal but insightful commentary, which only...
Growing up in the 60s & 70s, I wasn't much enamored of comic strips appearing in the newspaper with a scant few exceptions. Newspaper comics were awfully stale if not comatose at the time; they smell even worse now. In light of this reality, thank God I found this book 20 years ago. To me, this mammoth oversized anthology of color and b/w strips (mostly vintage 1895-1950) was and is an education, a revelation and a door...
The "Smithsonian Collection of Newspaper Comics" is a giant, heavy hardcover book that is just bursting with great comic strips. We bought this as a present for my Granddad in 1984, but you can be sure that I got far more use out of it than he did. Every visit to their house had me pouring over these old comics.Comic strips of the golden age where very different from the tiny, three panel strips we have today. Huge, multi-page...
The "Smithsonian Collection of Newspaper Comics" is a giant, heavy hardcover book that is just bursting with great comic strips. We bought this as a present for my Granddad in 1984, but you can be sure that I got far more use out of it than he did. Every visit to their house had me pouring over these old comics.Comic strips of the golden age where very different from the tiny, three panel strips we have today. Huge,...