"This book brings a 'smile' to my face--as it will to yours!"--Dr. Richard Carlson, author of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
"A delightful book that guides people through the daily stresses of life with hope and optimism."--Caroline Myss, author of Anatomy of the Spirit Recapture the joy of living! We live in an incredibly hurried, stress-filled time in which we often feel that our lives are not only out of our control, but have become meaningless. In order to regain ourselves, we are left to believe that we have to make dramatic life changes, such as changing jobs, changing relationships, or even changing religions. Dr. Lee Jampolsky disagrees--"Nothing needs to change in your life situation or the world in order for you to have peace of mind." This starling and simple statement is the basis of Dr. Lee Jampolsky's book,