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Holiday Cooking Humor Humor & Entertainment Humorous Potatoes Vegetables & VegetarianAs a child, I read this book over and over - I still remember standing in the bookstore, successfully pleading with my parents to buy it for me. It survived many moves and now my seven year old laughs out loud as she reads it - just as I did.
Peas...ingredients: everything but peas. How to cook them? One at a time! A quote from one of the recipes. And then there's the cryptic "Makes enough for all 4 of us - but not Freddy!" (My guess is that Freddy is the dog.) I read this book over and over whenever I need to laugh.
I checked this book out many times as a child from my school library. As an adult, and a professional chef, it still brings me to tears. Anyone who cooks, teaches, or raises children will find it MOST amusing!