Slavery in America
An Introduction to Slavery in the US
The brutality of the Institution of Slavery
A selection from American Slavery as it Is: Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses:
Weld, Theodore Dwight, 1803-1895
A concise compilation of all aspects of Slave live in America
FoodClothingShelterWork LoadsHours of WorkPunishmentsRunaway SlavesSlave SalesThe foregoing declarations touching the inflictions upon slaves, are not hap-hazard assertions, nor the exaggerations of fiction conjured up to carry a point; nor are they the rhapsodies of enthusiasm, nor crude conclusions, jumped at by hasty and imperfect investigation, nor the aimless outpourings either of sympathy or poetry; but they are proclamations of deliberate, well-weighed convictions, produced by accumulations of proof, by affirmations and affidavits, by written testimonies and statements of a cloud of witnesses who speak what they know and testify what they have seen, and all these impregnably fortified by proofs innumerable, in the relation of the slaveholder to his slave, the nature of arbitrary power, and the nature and history of man.