The boys and girls of the FivePoints neighborhood gang are transformed into dark matter, slipping into an alternate universe. During medieval times in that alternate universe, a desert father lives among natives, writing about these natives, cataloging, and also transcribing his own visions. In visions he sees forward in time to the strange technological progress of the world, and witnesses the alien dark matter (appearing to him as crystalline giants) entering on the heels of experiments. Adventures ensue, including ghostly encounters of dark matter with kids of the alternate neighborhood. They find secrets of crime and science in the city, which they help to uncover. At story's end the devastating secret of nuclear attack comes forth but the alternate neighborhood SiXPointz people have a refuge prepared. Having spent some time wondering if they would remember their adventures, the dark matter goes into nuclear destruction -- returning to their home universe and bodies. Back in time, the desert father and his visionary manuscripts are rescued following native warfare. It's shown how these manuscripts helped save the people of SiXPointz (with the aid of alien dark matter), and shown also how they were to make refuge outside the city.