Six Weeks At Heppenheim is a novel written by Elizabeth Gaskell. The story revolves around a young woman named Margaret Dawson, who travels to Germany to visit her friend, Ursula. Margaret is an English governess, and she is fascinated by the German culture and language. During...
""Six Weeks At Heppenheim"" is a novella written by Elizabeth Gaskell, a renowned Victorian-era English novelist. The story follows the journey of a young English girl named Margaret Dawson, who travels to Germany to visit her aunt and uncle in the town of Heppenheim. Margaret...
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell n e Stevenson (1810-1865), often referred to simply as Mrs. Gaskell, was an English novelist and short story writer during the Victorian era. She is perhaps best known for her biography of Charlotte Bront . Her novels offer a detailed portrait of the...
""Six Weeks at Heppenheim"" is a novel by Elizabeth Gaskell. The story revolves around a young English girl named Margaret Dawson who is sent to stay with her German relatives in the town of Heppenheim for six weeks. Margaret is initially excited about the prospect of exploring...
Six Weeks At Heppenheim is a novel written by Elizabeth Gaskell, a renowned British author. The book tells the story of a young English girl named Margaret Dawson, who travels to Germany to visit her cousin, Lady Williams. Margaret is a well-educated and cultured young woman,...
Ein florierender Gasthof inmitten malerischer Weinberge ist der Ort, an dem sich drei sehr verschiedene Charaktere begegnen: ein unbedarfter Wanderer aus England, der sich die Welt ansehen will, bevor ihn der Ernst des Lebens ergreift, der t chtige Wirt, der unter seiner rauen...