One of the earliest great stories of English literature after ?Beowulf?, ?Sir Gawain? is the strange tale of a green knight on a green horse, who rudely interrupts King Arthur's Round Table festivities one Yuletide, challenging the knights to a wager. Simon Armitrage, one of...
One of the earliest great stories of English literature after ?Beowulf?, ?Sir Gawain? is the strange tale of a green knight on a green horse, who rudely interrupts King Arthur's Round Table festivities one Yuletide, challenging the knights to a wager. Simon Armitrage, one of...
THE INSPIRATION FOR THE UPCOMING MAJOR MOTION PICTURE THE GREEN KNIGHT--STARRING DEV PATEL An epic poem of honor and bravery written by an anonymous fourteenth-century poet, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is recognized as an equal of Chaucer's masterworks...
The inspiration for the major motion picture The Green Knight starring Dev Patel. 'Be prepared to perform what you promised, Gawain;
Seek faithfully till you find me ...' A New Year's feast at King Arthur's court is interrupted by the appearance...
Marie Borroff's acclaimed verse translation, marginal glosses, and explanatory footnotes. Laura L. Howes's full introduction along with Borroff's seminal essay, "The Metrical Forms," as well as her "Translator's Note." For comparative study and classroom discussion, two French...
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is probably the most skillfuly told story in the whole of the English Arthurian cycle. Originating from the north-west midlands of England, it is based on two ancient Celtic motifs--the Beheading and the Exchange of Winnings--brought together by...
'Be prepared to perform what you promised, Gawain; Seek faithfully till you find me ...' A New Year's feast at King Arthur's court is interrupted by the appearance of a gigantic Green Knight, resplendent on horseback. He challenges any one of Arthur's men to behead him, provided...
Simon Armitage's "compulsively readable, energetic, free-flowing, high-spirited version" (Edward Hirsch, The New York Times) of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight offers "a brilliantly well-tuned modern score for one of the finest surviving examples of Middle English poetry" (Poetry...
It is New Year at Camelot and a mysterious green knight appears at King Arthur's court. Challenging the knights of the Round Table to a Christmas game, he offers his splendid axe as a prize to whoever is brave enough to behead him with just one strike. The condition is that his...
The fourteenth-century poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knightis one of the greatest classics of English literature, but one of the least accessible to most twentieth-century readers. Written in an obscure dialect, it is far more difficult to digest in the original than are most...
"Promises to drive the green force of the old poem through the Armitage fuse and set it a-buddin' and a-bloomin' for the new millennium."--Seamus Heaney, Nobel Laureate, best-selling translator of BeowulfCom posed in the late fourteenth century by an anonymous author in the English...
The inspiration for the major motion picture The Green Knight starring Dev Patel. An early English poem of magic, chivalry and seduction Composed during the fourteenth century in the English Midlands, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight...
'A monstrous apparition strode in the door, One of the tallest creatures in the whole of the earth.' Legends from the Ancient North Beowulf The Elder Edda The Saga of the Volsungs Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The Wanderer- Elegies, Epics, Riddles These are the great epic stories...
Featuring both the original text and a modern, translated version, this fourteenth-century Arthurian poem tells the legendary tale of the mysterious Green Knight and Sir Gawain, a great knight of the Round Table. The knights of the Round Table are celebrating...
This story, first told in the late fourteenth century, is one of the most enthralling, enigmatic and beloved poems in the English language. Simon Armitage's prizewinning version is meticulously responsive to the tact, sophistication and dramatic intensity of the original. It...
The text is accompanied by a detailed introduction, an essay on the metrical form, the translator's note, marginal glosses, and explanatory annotations to assist readers in the study of this canonical Arthurian romance.
"Contexts" presents two French tales of Sir Gawain...
One of the best-known Arthurian stories--adapted many times into verse, prose, games, and film--this unabridged republication of the 1909 edition is beautifully bound and finished with a decorated hardcover. It recounts an adventure undertaken by King Arthur's famous nephew,...
This prose rendering of a poem from the late fourteenth century (or earlier) recounts an adventure undertaken by King Arthur's famous nephew, Sir Gawain. Brave and chivalrous, faithful to his word and ever-mindful of his honor, as well as others', Gawain represents the model...
While the knights of King Arthur's Round Table are toasting the new year, a colossal stranger clad in green armor bursts in to deliver a formidable challenge: Any of them may strike off the intruder's head as long as he is prepared to receive a similar blow from the Green Knight...
The inspiration for the major motion picture The Green Knight starring Dev Patel, an early English poem of magic, chivalry and seduction. Composed during the fourteenth century in the English Midlands, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight describes the events that follow when a mysterious...
Here, at last, a finely sensitive translation gives us the poem itself, not just a translator's impression, for Marie Borroff's translation successfully preserves the formulaic character of the language, reflects the diction of the original poem, and reproduces the metrical variety...
A splendid translation of the classic Arthurian tale of enchantment, adventure, and romance, presented alongside the original Middle English text--from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and "one of the greatest poets of our age ... the Thoreau of our era" (Edward Hirsch).
With a foreword by Daniel Donoghue, the close verse translation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight includes facing pages of the original fourteenth-century text and its modern translation.