1. Introduction.- 2. The Origin of Life Was Brought to You in Part by Silicate Rocks.- 3. The Making of Humankind: Silica Lends a Hand (and Maybe a Brain). - 4. Mystical Crystals of Silica.- 5. Glass Houses.- 6. Chicks Need Silica, Too.- 7. Of Fields, Phytoliths, and Hippo Poo.-...
1. Introduction.- 2. The Origin of Life Was Brought to You in Part by Silicate Rocks.- 3. The Making of Humankind: Silica Lends a Hand (and Maybe a Brain). - 4. Mystical Crystals of Silica.- 5. Glass Houses.- 6. Chicks Need Silica, Too.- 7. Of Fields, Phytoliths, and Hippo Poo.-...