The sushi's fresh, the demons are bickering, and I think that centaur just clotheslined himself...
I'm Immy. I suck at being a witch, but make up for it with mad style. What, you don't believe me? Ask my demon roommates. Yeah, the plushie-loving softie and the one set on world domination.
I check in rental cars for supernatural customers leaving town, so I score whatever they ditch before they get on a plane home-and lemme tell you, they leave some weird stuff behind. Weird enough that sometimes it's a toss-up if it'll help pay the bills, or cause the next best thing to an apocalypse.
I really don't wanna start an apocalypse, but c'mon, I gotta eat. What's a girl to do?
Sigils & Sushi is a found family adventure filled with go-go-go action and slice-of-life coziness. Contains excessive humor, magic, chaos, and delicious sushi. Pack your chopsticks