Sicily Ann: A Romance is a novel written by Fanny Heaslip Lea. The book tells the story of Sicily Ann, a young woman living in the rural South during the 19th century. Sicily Ann is a spirited and independent character who dreams of a life beyond the confines of her small town...
Sicily Ann: A Romance is a novel written by Fanny Heaslip Lea. The story is set in the 19th century and follows the life of the titular character, Sicily Ann, who is a young woman living in rural Virginia. Sicily Ann is described as a beautiful and intelligent woman, but she...
Sicily Ann: A Romance is a novel written by Fanny Heaslip Lea. The story follows the life of the titular character, Sicily Ann, who is a young woman born into a wealthy family in the 19th century. Despite her privileged upbringing, Sicily Ann is not content with her life and...