The extraordinary true story behind Ernest Shackleton's harrowing expedition to Antarctica on the Endurance--the ill-fated ship that became trapped in ice and sank to the ocean floor. Defying the odds, the crew made it back alive, bringing with them the astounding collection...
The harrowing story of the ill-fated Endurance, now in paperback. In August 1914, Ernest Shackleton and 27 men sailed from England in an attempt to become the first team of explorers to cross Antarctica from one side to the other. Five months later and still 100 miles from land,...
Armstrong brings to life the incredible true story of the ill-fated Antarctic expedition of Ernest Shackleton and the crew of the Endurance. Armstrong's absorbing storytelling, illustrated with dramatic black-and-white photographs, makes this an enthralling adventure.--Publishers...
In 1914, Sir Ernest Shackleton and a crew of twenty-seven men sailed from England in an attempt to cross Antarctica from one side to the other. Their ship, Endurance, became icebound and sank, still one hundred miles from land. What follows is one of the most amazing...