A twisted game of hide and seek
Navy SEAL Christopher "Fish" Hill ends his latest mission with a midnight ride to his cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountain, but he doesn't make it.
Rounding a sharp curve, he crashes his bike to avoid hitting a small, ghostly figure in the middle of the road. The specter turns out to be a lost child, kidnapped and being hunted by a masked man playing a sick game. A game in which her mother is still being forced to play.
The most important mission of his life
The tiny girl steals Chris's heart, steeling his resolve to find her mother by any means necessary. He falls fast for Willa, vowing to protect his new family. Duty calls though, and Chris is called away for an emergency mission, leaving mother and daughter vulnerable.
Chris returns to find them gone and soon learns the monster has two faces. Identifying all the players won't be enough to save his girls. It'll take his whole team and a miracle to bring them back.