The follow up to Share This: The Social MediaHandbook for PR Professionals.
Share This is a practical handbook to the changes taking placein the media and was conceived and written by 24 public relationspractitioners using many of the social tools and techniques that itaddresses. The book covered the media and public relationsindustry, planning, social networks, online media relations, monitoring and measurement, skills, industry change and the futureof the industry.
Share This Too is also a pragmatic guide for anyonethat wants to continue working in public relations. It is alarger book with more than 30 contributors, including all of thosefrom the highly successful first book and many of whom aresuccessful authors in their own right.
It probes more deeply into the subject and is divided into sevensections:
The future of public relationsAudiences and online habitsConversationsNew channels, new connectionsProfessional practiceBusiness change and opportunities for the public relationsindustryFuture proofing the public relations industryThe content entirely complements the first book rather thanmerely updates it. It delves deeply into what is current inthe theory, delivery and evaluation of 21st century publicrelations and organisational communication.