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Do you have a young one who is needing support in recognizing and managing their anger? Shapes And Feelings Playtime; How Young Hearts Can Manage Anger, introduces and explores the emotion of anger. The story shows that it is okay and normal to feel angry at times. Additionally, the narrative highlights co-regulation and empowers young ones to begin growing in the skills of NAMING and UNDERSTANDING the feeling of anger. Through practicing a variety of calming techniques together, little ones will build reassurance that they are not alone in developing these coping strategies. FOSTER your child's ability to NURTURE SELF-SOOTHING and REGULATION SKILLS through playful learning. This is one of the books in the Shapes And Feelings Playtime Series. In this story, Mad Octagon and friends help guide the way to learning about anger and anger management strategies. Shapes And Feelings Playtime; How Young Hearts Can Manage Anger, includes: Coping Strategies: Empower your young ones to name and regulate anger. Lead by example through thirteen playful activities, teaching emotional regulation and building self-soothing skills for when anger arises.Friendly Language: Young minds and readers uncover explanations for the feeling of anger through toddler and preschool-friendly words. Discover fun strategies to start managing anger at an early stage.Social-Emotional Development: Created by parents and mental health professionals, this book provides age-appropriate coping strategies to foster littles ones social-emotional intelligence, friendship making skills, and growth mindset.