Sure, reading may be our favorite activity, but we could all use a little variety in our sources of entertainment. From imaginative biopics about famous authors to adventure stories featuring lit lovers to flights of fancy about how art imitates life, these movies will delight bookish types.
On this date in 1595, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet was first performed (not officially published until 1597). Although the renowned tragedy was by no means the first literary story of doomed love, it coined the phrase "star-cross'd lovers" and continues to inspire heartbreaking sagas even today.
We can't go to any actual beer fests this year, but we can imagine the ideal scene. And, of course, it would be filled with some of our favorite beer-loving authors from history. While we're at it, let’s throw in a few of their iconic characters. Join us on fantasy dates with five authors who found inspiration while imbibing.