Los siete contra Tebas es el t tulo de una tragedia de Esquilo datada en 467 a. C. Obtuvo el primer puesto en las Dionisias, y formaba parte de una tetralog a compuesta por las tragedias Layo y Edipo, y por el drama sat rico Esfinge, obras todas ellas perdidas.
Aeschylus was the first of the three ancient Greek tragedians whose plays can still be read or performed, the others being Sophocles and Euripides. He is often described as the father of tragedy: our knowledge of the genre begins with his work and our understanding of earlier...
Seven against Thebes (Hepta epi Thebas), which was performed in 467 BC, has the theme of the interference of the gods in human affairs It also marks the first known appearance in Aeschylus's work of a theme which would continue through his plays, that of the polis (the city)...
The formidable talents of Anthony Hecht, one of the most gifted of contemporary American poets, and Helen Bacon, a classical scholar, are here brought to bear on this vibrant translation of Aeschylus' much underrated tragedy The Seven Against Thebes. The third and only remaining...
The Bibliotheca Teubneriana, established in 1849, has evolved into the world's most venerable and extensive series of editions of Greek and Latin literature, ranging from classical to Neo-Latin texts. Some 4-5 new editions are published every year.
A team of renowned...
This is trilogy of Geek tragedies written by Aeschylus which has been culturally important knowledge base of civilisation. The work was translated by E.D.A Morshead a classic English scholar in 19th century.We have formatted the book for an easy reading experience if you enjoy...
A major edition of Aeschylus' play, the Septem Contra Thebas or Seven Against Thebes, providing a significantly new text, introduction, and full scale commentary. The book deals comprehensively with every important aspect of the play, both in detail and in overview, and offers...
Oedipus's sons vie for the Theban crown. The victor, Eteocles, expels his brother, Polyneices, who flees to Argos and recruits a force of 7 champions to lead an assault on Thebes, with tragic results.
Oedipus's sons vie for the Theban crown. The victor, Eteocles, expels his brother, Polyneices, who flees to Argos and recruits a force of 7 champions to lead an assault on Thebes, with tragic results.
"Los siete contra Tebas", de Esquilo. Esquilo fue un dramaturgo griego, predecesor de S focles y Eur pides, es considerado como el primer gran representante de la tragedia griega (525a.C.-456a.C.)
Though the Septem has been the focus of much scholarly attention in recent decades, this powerful drama remains difficult for modern readers and presents great problems of text and interpretation. The text of this major edition differs substantially from other current versions...
WORK IS IN FRENCH This book is a reproduction of a work published before 1920 and is part of a collection of books reprinted and edited by Hachette Livre, in the framework of a partnership with the National Library of France, providing the opportunity...
Die Bibliotheca Teubneriana, gegr ndet 1849, ist die weltweit lteste, traditionsreichste und umfangreichste Editionsreihe griechischer und lateinischer Literatur von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit. Pro Jahr erscheinen 4-5 neue Editionen. S mtliche Ausgaben werden durch eine lateinische...
Aeschyli Septem Contra Thebas: Ad Fidem Manuscriptorum (1829) est liber Aeschyli, poetae Graeci, qui scripsit fabulam Septem Contra Thebas. In hac fabula, septem fratres Thebanorum ad urbem Thebas dirigitur, sed una ex sororibus oraculum dicit eam urbem non posse defendere nisi...