"Truly remarkable . . . encompasses the longings and agonies of youth . . . a complex and moving novel."-- Time "Astonishing . . . a writer of uncommon imaginative power. Whatever [John Irving] writes, it will be worth reading."-- Saturday Review It is 1967. Two Viennese university...
For?ret 1967. Siggy og Hannes, som deler to store lidenskaber - motorcykler og kvinder - strejfer rundt p? en gammel motorcykel p? strigs landeveje. De m der Gallen, en smuk, kvindelig blaffer, som de gerne vil have med sig p? turen. Men en angrebslysten bisv rm, en streng tante...
It is 1967 and two Viennese university students want to liberate the Vienna Zoo, as was done after World War II. But their good intentions have both comic and gruesome consequences, in this first novel written by a twenty-five year old John Irving, already a master storyteller...
It is 1967 and two Viennese university students want to liberate the Vienna Zoo, as was done after World War II. But their good intentions have both comic and gruesome consequences, in this first novel written by a twenty-five year old John Irving, already a master storyteller...