The third novel in Michael McGarrity's "invigorating" (The New York Times), bestselling series featuring seasoned Sante Fe cop Kevin Kerney. Seasoned on every page by his real-life experience as a Sante Fe deputy sheriff, Michael McGarrity's early Kevin Kerney...
It was opening night of the annual town rodeo six months ago when Patrolman Paul Gillespie left the calf-roping finals, headed toward the police station, and was killed by person or persons unknown. Nobody much is talking, at least not to Kerney, but Kerney suspects that one...
It was opening night of the annual town rodeo six months ago when Patrolman Paul Gillespie left the calf-roping finals, headed toward the police station, and was killed by person or persons unknown. Nobody much is talking, at least not to Kerney, but Kerney suspects that one...