Todos participamos en la misi?n de la Iglesia de proclamar La Buena Nueva al mundo. En esta declaraci?n, los obispos presentan un plan pastoral para ayudar a los Cat?licos crecer en su rol como disc?pulos. En cuatro partes, el plan examina los retos y oportunidades que enfrentan el disc?pulo en el mundo, las calidades de una fe madura, y principios fiables para la formaci?n en la fe para adultos.
We all participate in the Church's mission of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus to the world. In this statement, the bishops present a pastoral plan to help Catholics advance in their role as disciples, by awakening a renewal in the ministry of adult faith formation and helping all to grow to the full maturity of Christ. In four parts, the plan examines the challenges and opportunities faced today, the key qualities of a mature faith, the principles and approaches for providing sound adult faith formation, and the critical roles of parish leadership and diocesan support.