With his Bible in hand, young Morgan Sengwayo drives his father's cattle to the forests for pasture. Deep in the forest he momentarily forgets about the cattle and begins to preach to the trees as if he were in front of a huge congregation. He stops and reads the bible and starts to preach again. Tears running down his sun scotched face his desire was to preach the old-time religion. At, church, though young he was prominent for his singing and scripture knowledge. As years, passed worldliness overtook the desire and sin took its toll and drove him to a land he never dreamt of. Missing death by whisker, he finds himself helpless in the Drakensberg Mountain ranges of South Africa. A cobbler going about his business finds him and hosts him to his house. The cobbler was holding the medicine to treat the spiritually and physically dying Sengwayo. Weeks later with a bible and a Zulu hymn book in hand Morgan heads back to native Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) where he tries to convert his parents to a new way of worship. They chase him away from the home he loved, and he found himself in custody of a great churchman and singer who told him about the new-born experience. God shows him to go to a city in the south of the country to preach the gospel.