People live in the world of progress and diversity. With progress, encouragement of more ideas and proactivity from its tenants is almost necessary. People are more than happy to comply with it but amidst the hustle and bustle of the never-ending need to excel and be heard, the introverts are drowning in the noise. The introverts or taciturns are the few who are drained out of their energy when they interact with people. They value solitude, listening to others and understanding concepts before opening their mouths. On the spectrum of personalities, they lie at the exact opposite of the extraverts.
To say that extraverts and introverts are co-existing equally is idealistic and flawed. Introverts are the minority personality who needs to struggle to keep up with the extraverts who are revered in society. Most of them do not desire to be like the expressives but it would seem that society has a dogma exalting the extraverts as the good and happy while their counterpart is immediately its exact opposite.
But the taciturns are flexible. So flexible that they can create another level of themselves to keep up with their competition and serve their ambition. Despite drowning in the sea of extroverts, the taciturns are not threatened. It is but a challenge to them. A puzzle that excites them. They take advantage of how they were wired and slowly changing the world, one subtle action at a time. Although there may be times when some of them have extrovert envy, they know that they can never be extroverts. Not for a long time, anyway.
The introvert's personality is a unique innate ability to be exemplary without having to scream and yell to achieve an objective. Introverts have become world leaders who influence multitudes. They are the examples that no society dogma can stop anybody from succeeding for as long as they persevere. To introverts, for as long as they are not restricted to seek solitude and recharge, they can do anything. Everything is just a performance and performers are highly introverted.
This book gives a comprehensive guide on the following: How to protect yourself from energy vampiresHighly sensitive introverts 'strengths and struggles.How to find potential friendsIntroversion, Shyness, and LoveIntroverts and Building Self-ConfidenceThe Introvert's Success PlanWhen to Act Like an Extravert?Maximizing IntroversionLeveraging the Gift of IntroversionFurthering Introvert CreativityIntroverts and LeadershipGetting Ahead in BusinessBenefit from Your Relationships... AND MOREWhat are you waiting for? Click buy now
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