This volume is intended to be an interpretation of the leading aspects of the Negro Problem of today, in compact and convenient form, suitable for the student, debater or general reader. A preliminary view of the history and status of the Negro in our civilization is given, with other material of general interest, followed by the more specific phases of our race relationships - the problem itself - with Special consideration to its leading divisions, controversial or otherwise, race prejudice, amalgamation, education, violence including lynching, race riots and peonage, the Negro of the South and the North, Negro suffrage, the Negro in industry, segregation and colonization, and, lastly, the expression of Opinion as to the future or the best way to racial peace.
In accordance with the general plan of the Handbook Series, the constant aim in both reprints and bibliography has been for impartiality toward all views, and selections have been chosen from both white and Negro writers, from opposers and sympathizers of the Negro alike, yet with the aim not So much to maintain exact balance as to give ex pression to views that reflect representative opinions and conditions of race friction, and that serve best to indicate the way for constructive effort.