Nice to meet you, too! I'm Vanni, by the way. Say, why don't you join me on my journey? What kind of journey, you ask? One of self-reflection, self-discovery, and a fair share of self-recrimination. Don't pity me, though. No need for that. For the first time in my life, I know exactly what to do and when to do it and why I have to do it. No, I won't tell you how I plan to do it, but the why will reveal itself in good time. Oh, sure. Twenty-four hours from now at midnight, I will cease to exist. That's right! My complete and utter annihilation. Save those tears for later; you'll need them. If you still want to accompany me, that is. We'll have so much fun together, you and I. The people we're bound to meet. The places we'll visit. The talks we'll share. So? You gonna stick by my side until this day is through? Awesome! Follow me. I promise you won't regret it.