The Three Worlds superhero saga speeds toward Doomsday
Aldierra is a dangerous, eco-nightmare of a world. Its twenty billion inhabitants have been given a deadline by which they need to shape up or be killed by their angry, sentient planet.
But Aldierra has joined with fellow worlds Sarastor and Earth to name three mega-powered champions. Now the Starharts arrive only to find the populace and its ruling factions haven't begun to do anything to help their situation.
It is up to Londo to command their strategies to the reluctant planetary armies and cities, to Jae to recruit and lead brigades of volunteers, and to Lina to coordinate and supply a structure to sustain it all - while empowering the women/slaves of the world.
Not only have they been dropped into this mess unprepared, but Deadline is mere months away. Stakes increase because the Starharts' scandalous three-way marriage must be kept secret, or they might lose the allies and support they desperately need.
Londo is the most torn by his situation. All his life he's had friends ripped from him, killed because of what and who he is: one of the mightiest humans in the galaxy. Can he bear to release the shocking secret when it will mean so many family and friends will turn from him? Can he bear not to?