Secret Water by Arthur Ransome follows the Walker children as they embark on an adventure in a remote tidal estuary, tasked with mapping the area as a challenge from their father. In this eighth installment of the Swallows and Amazons series, they explore marshlands, uncover...
John, Susan, Titty and Roger, the crew of the Swallow, take on the job of mapping the mass of small islands round Pin Mill while living on the biggest one. But who are the mysterious savages who lurk in the islands - and is the tribal totem they find in their campsite a threat...
This book follows the adventures of the five Walker children after their parents leave them on a "desert island" with provisions for a long stay - and a blank map to fill in.
Secret Water by Arthur Ransome follows the Walker children as they embark on an adventure in a remote tidal estuary, tasked with mapping the area as a challenge from their father. In this eighth installment of the Swallows and Amazons series, they explore marshlands, uncover...
This book follows the adventures of the five Walker children after their parents leave them on a "desert island" with provisions for a long stay - and a blank map to fill in.