So much mystery around a subject all too well known to all those who always try to have a communicative advantage: speakers, politicians, salesmen. There are many people who know the main hypnotic techniques and use them constantly (and with mastery) in order to bewitch the public, to arouse the people or, simply, to sell a product more easily.
We have these techniques in front of us. Every day. But we struggle to recognize them.
By buying this book by Hayden J. Power you can have a general, complete and easy to understand training on hidden hypnosis.
It will allow you both to refine your communication techniques and to be able to recognize a person who is trying to use forbidden techniques on you.
The term "forbidden" is perfect to indicate this set of techniques, both because they do not always agree with ethics, and because compared to classical hypnosis, the subject is never aware of the hypnosis attempt you are trying to make.
The two main topics covered in the book are:
The relationship Hypnotic techniquesPART ONE
In the first part develops the concept of connection capacity and the various phases that lead to the creation of a relationship of trust or the ability to create a connection on a subconscious level, through which the hypnotic suggestion is passed.
The second part is dedicated to some of the best-known techniques that you need to know in order to try a conversational hypnosis.
Characterized by a simple and fluid writing style, Secret Hypnosis is the right book to deal with a particular topic such as conversational hypnosis.