Second Chances is introduced by a timeline of events following the life of protagonist Jeff Savage, who graduates from Stanford, enters the Air Force, plays for the New York Yankees, builds a family, and finds happiness in life's changes.
This timeline documents the events that changed his life, but Jeff's story is more than a collection of pivot points. It's the emotional journey between them that forms the crux of a strong read that's highly recommended for fans of psychological fiction, romance, family life and sports.
The Author's ability to juxtapose the logic of decision-making with the consequences of choices good and bad, their lasting impact, and the potential for redemption down the line creates an atmosphere of emotional growth and change. Second Chances does an excellent job of documenting an aspiring young man's sometimes-reckless decisions and the opportunities and obstacles life brings to him, crafting a story filled not only with evolutionary events, but changing emotional currents.