You don't have to become a biblical scholar or a theologian to be an effective spokesman for the Catholic Faith. In fact, even though you don't know all the answers and can't explain every aspect of the Faith, you can begin winning souls to the Church right now...using prayer, friendship, and common sense.
It sounds almost too good to be true, but in Search and Rescue Patrick Madrid explains why these are among the most effective, time-tested methods for bringing family and friends into - or back into - the Church. As the publisher of Envoy magazine, author of many apologetics books (including Surprised by Truth 2), and a veteran defender of the Faith, Madrid himself has used these methods successfully for years. But Madrid doesn't give you only the benefit of his own considerable experience: in Search and Rescue he also includes simple and genial advice from St. Francis of Assisi, St. Augustine, and other great lovers of God. Get Search and Rescue - the book that shows you how you can start winning souls for Christ today
Pointers on what to do if family has left the one true faith. You can be the example of Christ!
The book is a collection of cheap 8th grade debating tricks which the author regards as clever. It show you how you can con people into a religion that they don't want or need. The people who should read this book are those with a desire to become catholicism's version of the Hare Krishnas who bother people at airports.
Search and Rescue is a practical, hands-on style, guide to evangelizing. Patrick Madrid takes the reader into the specific steps that they need in learning how to DO evangelization. He deals with using opportunities to talk to strangers, friends, family, door-to-door evangelists, and especially the bitter ex-Catholic person that most will deal with eventually. Madrid shows you that in order to evangelize you needn't be...
This is the one book that really opened my eyes to the reality of the issues about most non-catholics. This book is the practical guide to anyone who always wanted to share their Catholic faith to non-catholics but don't know how. Offer lots of Prayers for the conversion of non-catholics and then follow what this book says. It is not our clever arguements that converts people but the loving grace of Jesus Christ our God. As...
Patrick Madrid takes you step by step, situation by situation, into the nuts and bolts of what it means to witness to others. He teaches with a gentle prodding to stop making excuses and get out there to bring the true faith to others. He systematically breaks down all the requisites one needs in order to be an apologist who is "always ready to make an account of the faith that is within him." If all of that were not enough,...