"The Little Mermaid" takes a twisted turn in this thrilling sequel to villainess origin story Sea Witch, as the forces of land and sea clash in an epic battle for freedom, redemption, and true love. Runa will not let her twin sister die. Alia traded...
"The Little Mermaid" takes a twisted turn in this thrilling sequel to villainess origin story Sea Witch, as the forces of land and sea clash in an epic battle for freedom, redemption, and true love. Runa will not let her twin sister die. Alia traded...
The Sea Witch and the Little Mermaid seek their hearts' desires in this dark and twisty sequel to the origin story of the sea's most iconic villainess. Runa's little sister Alia is about to die. According to the deal Alia made with the Sea Witch, she only has...
The Sea Witch and the Little Mermaid seek their hearts' desires in this dark and twisty sequel to the origin story of the sea's most iconic villainess. Runa's little sister Alia is about to die. According to the deal Alia made with the Sea Witch, she only has...