The Bible says it in a "civilized way." But the truth is that since the beginning of time otherworldly entities - no matter how you wish to identify them - have been pillaging and plundering our planet, raping our women, probing our bodies in an ungentlemanly manner, and ostensibly creating a "master race" of alien hybrids by removing the fetuses from artificially inseminated females who have been abducted by UFO occupants around the globe. The aliens then raise the "children" as their own.
The molestations go on, and, despite the credible nature of a large percentage of such encounters, these sensationalistic events are perhaps the most closely guarded secret of the UFOlogical community, for fear that such disclosure will lead to ridicule on the part of skeptics, the scientific community, the media, and a large portion of the general public, who have not been privileged to scrutinize the available data - much of which is presented in the pages of this book for the first time.
THIS IS NOT "FAKE NEWS " But One Hundred Percent Documented . . .
These are the anal probes, the kidnapping and removal of men, women and couples from the planet for evil, inhuman purposes that often involve molestation and torture.
Some of those abducted have literally been branded and physically scarred for life. "Tattoos" have been placed on their skin, and horrific scratch and claw marks can be found on their chests and stomachs, arms, legs and breasts. Some of these markings can only be seen under florescent lighting; others can be viewed with the naked eye because they are so obvious.
What sometimes starts out as a "simple bedroom invasion," with aliens coming through the walls or ceiling, frequently transforms into a fully consciously-recalled nightmare, often becoming an ongoing series of events onboard a spacecraft outside the Earth's atmosphere or in underground human/alien bases, such as the main one to be found in Dulce, New Mexico.- the mystery of the alien anal probes is also revealed
Here are historical as well as some of the most recent cases of copulation with Reptilians, the handsome Nordic "Space Brothers," the Greys, insectoids, and a host of other intergalactic stalkers - the real invaders from "Mars" - as taken from the files of some of the top researchers of our time. To paraphrase Cindy Lauper's 80s smash pop single, there are a few space aliens who it seems are coming here because they "just want to have fun "