Directed by suspense master and director of the first trilogy, Wes Craven, SCREAM 4 is the newest installment in the acclaimed franchise that ushered in a new wave of horror in the 1990s. In SCREAM 4, Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), now the author of a self-help book, returns...
Directed by suspense master and director of the first trilogy, Wes Craven, SCREAM 4 is the newest installment in the acclaimed franchise that ushered in a new wave of horror in the 1990s. In SCREAM 4, Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), now the author of a self-help book, returns...
Directed by suspense master and director of the first trilogy, Wes Craven, SCREAM 4 is the newest installment in the acclaimed franchise that ushered in a new wave of horror in the 1990s. In SCREAM 4, Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), now the author of a self-help book, returns...