The Swiss Family Robinson is an unforgettable adventure novel that will transport readers to a remote island where a resilient family fights for survival. Follow the Robinson family as they face the challenges of building shelter, finding food, and exploring the wilderness...
"For many days we had been tempest-tossed...the raging storm increased in fury until on the seventh day all hope was lost." From these dire opening lines, a timeless story of adventure begins. One family will emerge alive from this terrible storm: the Robinsons--a Swiss...
The classic adventure tale of a brave family who must come together to survive in their new deserted island home. Swept off course by a raging storm, a Swiss pastor, his wife, and their four young sons are shipwrecked on an uncharted tropical island. Thus begins the classic story...
A very nice illustrated edition. Swiss Family Robinson is one of the most popular books in the world. Our edition has:
"For many days we had been tempest-tossed...the raging storm increased in fury until on the seventh day all hope was lost." From these dire opening lines, a timeless story of adventure begins. One family will emerge alive from this terrible storm: the Robinsons--a Swiss pastor,...
Following a wild and raging storm, the Swiss family Robinson are stranded at sea. But the thundering waves have swept them off to a tropical island, where a new life awaits them. Their ship is laden with supplies and the island is packed with treasures, so they soon adapt and...
"For many days we had been tempest-tossed...the raging storm increased in fury until on the seventh day all hope was lost." From these dire opening lines, a timeless story of adventure begins. One family will emerge alive from this terrible storm- the Robinsons-a Swiss pastor,...
"Swiss Family Robinson" is the classic tale of a Swiss pastor, his wife and their four sons who find themselves shipwrecked on an isolated tropical island. Along with a couple of dogs, some livestock, pigeons and geese, "Swiss Family Robinson," is the story of a family's struggle...
Shipwrecked passengers on a deserted island: how will they survive? After their ship founders at sea, the Robinsons--father, mother, and four sons--find themselves stranded in an uninhabited, idyllic land. Young readers will enjoy watching them handle every crisis with cleverness...
"For many days we had been tempest-tossed...the raging storm increased in fury until on the seventh day all hope was lost." From these dire opening lines, a timeless story of adventure begins. One family will emerge alive from this terrible storm: the Robinsons--a Swiss pastor,...
Following a wild and raging storm, the Swiss family Robinson are stranded at sea. But the thundering waves have swept them off to a tropical island, where a new life awaits them. Their ship is laden with supplies and the island is packed with treasures, so they soon adapt and...
One of the World's most popular books in a glorious gift edition. Written originally as European societies became enthralled by the idea of travel and exploration, but became a timeless classic read by every generation since then. A stunning new edition with deluxe...