As believers, we desire to embrace everything God has for us. We recognize that God still performs miracles, and we long to be a part of His wondrous works. The signs of the times indicate that now more than ever, believers need to walk in the supernatural.
School of the Supernatural takes believers on a transformative Biblical journey, exploring our right and obligation to walk in the supernatural power of God. This book provides practical instruction, steps of faith, and activation techniques to manifest the miraculous reality of the Kingdom in our lives.
For those using this resource to lead their own schools of the supernatural, rest assured that the emphasis throughout this journey is on our relationship with Jesus Christ. The foundation of this book is firmly anchored in the Word of God and our commitment to it.
Topics Covered Include: Choosing a Supernatural LifeThe Offense of Signs and WondersThe Word, Worship, and Prayer as GatewaysHow to Get BreakthroughSeeing in the Spirit to Launch You into the SupernaturalYour Position in ChristHoliness and SanctificationOvercoming Fear of the SupernaturalHow and Why to Pray in StillnessWorking with Angels as a Normal, Everyday Part of Our LivesBeing Supernatural and Normal at the Same TimeHow to Pray Powerful and Effective PrayersYou are Called to This Life as a BelieverLiving 24/7 in Both Realms
Jesus did not make this difficult School of the Supernatural is your guide to stepping into the miraculous life that God has called you to live.