Luka is a humble, sheltered girl from Lithuania, oppressed by her older brother and sister while patiently fulfilling her parents' demands. Unexpectedly, a student exchange program pulls her out of her home routine and sweeps her to America. Escaping her rigorous upbringing, Luka blossoms, discovering new friends and new experiences. Her hopeful outlook is sadly destroyed when she becomes the victim of rape while in Las Vegas.
Trying to move on, Luka starts an internship at one of the most prestigious companies in Chicago. On her first day, she is introduced to the son of the company's head, Iden. Luka immediately recognizes Iden as the man who date-raped her in Vegas. At first, she is horrified and avoids all contact, until Iden reveals that they were both drugged as part of a blackmail plot.
To prevent a scandal, Luka and Iden enter into a fake engagement, but the line between fa?ade and reality soon blurs, and Luka must decide whether she can trust Iden enough to love him. The lives of these two young people are now intertwined, but will violence, anger, and lies of the past become an insurmountable obstacle to their newly born feelings? Are Luka and Iden destined to be together or to destroy each other?