Gratitude brings you more and greater things you're grateful for. Being grateful is the reason, getting more of what you're giving thanks for is the effect. Each action has a particular reaction; consequently gratitude has this particular reaction that may never be changed. Gratitude is a really powerful force that reaches the object to which you're thanking immediately.
Allah said in The Holy Quran:
And remember your Lord caused to be declared (publicly): "If ye are grateful, I will add more (favours) unto you; But if ye show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed." Ibrahim 14: 7]
Among the best things that you are able to do is to have gratitude; for everything that you have, everything that you've done, for all the individuals in your life, and for the procedure of unfolding and development. It's crucial. Gratitude is among the higher vibrations in this life and it draws in a super-flow in your life.
If you start each day by writing down three things you are thankful for - a good cup of coffee, the smell of rain, starting a good book - you begin each day on the right note. Do it daily and make it a habit to focus on the blessings you have been given Grab a copy for a friend and share the journey together
Size: 6" x 9" inchContains 100 pagesProtective glossy book coverPerfect for gel pen, ink or pencilsGreat size to carry everywhere in your bag, for work, high school, college or cafe