Say and Seal V2 is a novel written by Anna Bartlett Warner and first published in 1860. It is the second volume in the Say and Seal series, which follows the story of a young orphan girl named Faith and her experiences with her adoptive family, the Ellwoods. In this volume, Faith...
""Say and Seal"" is a novel written by Anna Bartlett Warner and was first published in 1860. This is the second volume of the series which tells the story of a young girl named Faith and her family. In this volume, Faith's father, Mr. Linden, has been imprisoned for a crime he...
Say and Seal Volume 2 is a novel by Anna Bartlett Warner, first published in 1860. The book is a continuation of the story from Volume 1, and follows the lives of the characters as they face new challenges and adventures. The story is set in the mid-19th century in a small New...