On April 3-4, 1945, the city of Nordhausen, Germany, was attacked by Allied bombers. "Why us?" declared the city's mayor as he surveyed his destroyed city and upwards of eight thousand dead civilians. "We have no military targets." In truth, SS General Hans Kammler, the Nazi in charge of a massive underground rocket factory, was using Nordhausen barracks to dump dead and dying slave laborers. But by the time of the Allied bombing, Kammler-the architect of Auschwitz and director of Hitler's V-2 rocket program-had disappeared. On April 2, the general had rounded up his rocket experts and packed them in a special train, determined to negotiate a deal with the American military: live German rocket experts for a ticket to a safe haven. What ultimately happened to this ambitious high-ranking Nazi and evil innovator of mass deaths? The fate of this major war criminal-known by his prisoners as Satan's Henchman-is the mystery and crux of this historical novella.