This certification guide prepares readers to take and pass the "SAP Certified Development Associate - ABAP - SAP NetWeaver 7.0" exam. Written for developers and technical consultants going on to become officially certified as SAP Associate for ABAP 7.0, this book will provide practice questions and answers for each topic covered in the exam to provide further preparation and thus will help ensure that readers can pass the exam. Furthermore, the content relates not only to the education experience but also to the sorts of tasks and challenges awaiting the certified individual in the market.
The first part of the book provides an overview, explaining the structure of the book, helping you to get a more in-depth look into the exam, clarifying what the exam is designed to test about, and how to generally pass the exam, including strategies for success. The second part then is divided into several chapters, according to the way the exam itself is organized. At the end of each chapter there is a practice test section containing sample questions similar to those found on the SAP Certified ABAP Development Associate exam. The answers to the questions will follow the sample exams, along with explanations of why the answers are right.