Santa's Tiniest Elves spins the current day view of Christmas back to its most elemental meaning, reminding readers of the true spirit of Christmas, the message to always live from your heart, be kind to everyone and spread love wherever you go.
T Love, founder and CEO of Sojihuggles Children's Foundation is an integrative healthcare practitioner, with a private practice in Newton, NJ. She is an international keynote speaker, host of award winning spirituality based radio show Energy Awareness Radio and volunteers for pediatric hospice. Over the course of one year, T witnessed a series of events that impacted her life as she knew it. The shift in trajectory resulted in the establishment of Sojihuggles Children's Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to raising funds for underprivileged children. Every penny from every donation and a portion of the royalties from the sale of Santa's Tiniest Elves, directly supports children in need.
"Our most precious natural resource is our CHILDREN, yet, the disparity between our country's wealth and the condition of its children is unparalleled. Many children do not have food, shelter or clothing. Sojihuggles Children's Foundation was established to change that. We're here to give children a fair chance in life. Our mission is to raise funds to provide underprivileged children with the basic necessities of life so they may grow, thrive, experience purpose in life and contribute to society in meaningful ways."
Sojihuggles Children's Foundation:
Investing in a brighter tomorrow by giving them a better today