Acknowledgements ................................. 7
Introduction ...................................... 8
Part I The Law of Sin and Death
1. Original Righteousness: In God's Own Image ......... 18
2. Original Sin: A Propensity to Disobedience .......... 28
3. Prevenient Grace: God's Initiative .................. 40
4. Infant Baptism: Grace Accelerated ................. 52
5. Actual Sin: The Age of Accountability .............. 66
Part II Grace, the Power of the Holy Spirit
6. Justifying Grace: The Spirit in You ................. 80
7. Justification: The Forgiveness of Sins ............... 92
8. The New Birth: Baptism in the Holy Spirit .......... 104
Part III The Law of the Spirit of Life
9. Sanctifying Grace: Overcoming Sin ............... 120
10. The Fruit of the Spirit of Love ................... 136
11. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Readiness for Ministry .. 152
12. Sanctification: Grace Fulfilling the Law ............ 170
13. Against a New Legalism ....................... 186