Following up on his groundbreaking 1990 work Sampling Normal and Schizophrenic Inner Experience , Dr. Hurlburt delineates the development of his descriptive sampling method across numerous case studies of depressed, anxious, bulimic, and borderline personalities. Though controversial,...
Following up on his groundbreaking 1990 work Sampling Normal and Schizophrenic Inner Experience , Dr. Hurlburt delineates the development of his descriptive sampling method across numerous case studies of depressed, anxious, bulimic, and borderline personalities. Though controversial,...
Following up on his groundbreaking 1990 work Sampling Normal and Schizophrenic Inner Experience , Dr. Hurlburt delineates the development of his descriptive sampling method across numerous case studies of depressed, anxious, bulimic, and borderline personalities. Though controversial,...