""Sam McKelvie, Son of the Soil"" is a biographical sketch of a self-reliant American who fought his own battles with a cheerful spirit. The book is written by Bruce H. Nicoll and tells the story of Sam McKelvie, a man who grew up on a farm in Nebraska and went on to become a...
""Sam McKelvie, Son of the Soil"" is a biographical sketch of a self-reliant American named Sam McKelvie, written by Bruce H. Nicoll. The book details the life of McKelvie, who was born and raised in rural America, and his journey to becoming a successful and respected member...
Sam McKelvie, Son of the Soil is a biography written by Bruce H. Nicoll about a self-reliant American man named Sam McKelvie. The book tells the story of McKelvie's life and how he fought his own battles with a cheerful spirit. McKelvie is portrayed as a hardworking and determined...