Outraged by the sexual perversity of this one-act tragedy, Great Britain's Lord Chamberlain banned Salom from the national stage. Symbolist poets and writers -- St phane Mallarm and Maurice Maeterlinck among them -- defended the play's literary brilliance. Beyond...
Salomeis Oscar Wilde's most experimental--and controversial--play. In its own time, the play, written in French, was described by a reviewer as "an arrangement in blood and ferocity, morbid, bizarre, repulsive." None, however, could deny the importance of Wilde's creation. Contemporary...
Salome is a classic tragedy by Oscar Wilde. The original 1891 version of the play was in French. This is an English translation of the play presented in this modern up to date version. any profits made from the sale of this book will go towards the Freeriver Community Project,...
Few works in English literature have so peculiar a history as Oscar Wilde's play Salome . Written originally in French in 1892 and ridiculed on its publication, translated into English by Lord Alfred Douglas ("Bosie" himself) and again heaped with scorn, it has survived for 75...
Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (16 October 1854 - 30 November 1900) was an Irish playwright, novelist, essayist, and poet. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London's most popular playwrights in the early 1890s. He is remembered for...
"Salom?" is a 1891 play in one act by Oscar Wilde. Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish poet and playwright who became one of the most popular in London during the 1880s and 1890s. Well-known for his sharp wit and extravagant attire, Wilde was a proponent...
Salom est une trag die d'Oscar Wilde dont la version originale de 1891 est en fran ais. Une traduction en anglais a suivi trois ans plus tard. La pi ce, en un acte, repose sur l' pisode biblique de Salom 1, belle-fille du t trarque de Galil e H rode Antipas, qui, la consternation...
Inspired by symbolist poetry and the frequent appearance of Salome in contemporary art and literature, Oscar Wilde wrote SALOME in French during a Paris stay in 1891-92. The play's sexuality and religious needling-not to mention the final scene in which Salome embraces the...
Salome tells the Biblical story of Salome, stepdaughter of the tetrarch Herod Antipas, who, to her stepfather's dismay but to the delight of her mother Herodias, requests the head of Jokanaan (John the Baptist) on a silver platter as a reward for dancing the Dance of the Seven...
Texte int gral. En dition bilingue anglais/fran ais, avec lecture audio int gr e: Non seulement vous pourrez lireSalom en fran ais et en anglais, mais vous pouvez aussi couter la lecture de cet ouvrage en anglais, gr ce votre t l...
This 1996 book is a study of Oscar Wilde's Salome, a play now regarded as central to his artistic achievement. Often drawing on little-known sources, the authors provide a detailed stage-history of this controversial work, and its transformation into opera, dance and film. Beginning...
Salom est une tragdie classique d'Oscar Wilde. La version originale de 1891 de la pice tait en franais. Tous les bnfices tirs de la vente de ce livre seront verss au Freeriver Community Project, un projet qui vise promouvoir la paix et le bien-tre dans le monde. Www.freerivercommunity.com...