Catherine of Siena is one of the most intriguing and explosive saints in Church history. A young laywoman with almost no education, she became renowned for her intense mystical experiences, inspired preaching, and scathing criticism of corrupt political and ecclesial authorities...
In this profound new book, the Irish Dominican poet and writer Fr. Paul Murray draws us into the fire of this great mystic's love for God and humanity, reading her life and teaching not only in light of Dominican spirituality, but also the writings of Renaissance philosopher...
Paul Murray OP examines the depth and range of Catherine's vision of freedom, claiming that until now her understanding of freedom has received surprisingly little attention from readers and scholars. Murray demonstrates that a preoccupation with freedom is the 'fire' behind...
Paul Murray OP examines the depth and range of Catherine's vision of freedom, claiming that until now her understanding of freedom has received surprisingly little attention from readers and scholars. Murray demonstrates that a preoccupation with freedom is the 'fire' behind...