It was the last ice cream social the church would have this year. School would start in another week, so, of course everyone was there to visit, to eat, to wish that summer had not ended.
Mama and Aunt Mary made the cakes. Rowdy and Jim churned the ice cream. Bertie and John Bobbie D. were ready to eat. And Fernie wanted to see her very best friend, Sadie Mae Abraham.
"Whoa, Jack, whoa there, Jude " Mama called to the mules as she maneuvered the buckboard wagon into its slot in back of the church. "Rowdy, you and Jim unload, Aunt Mary and I will take Bertie and John Bobbie D. with us to find a place. And Fernie, you go look for Sadie Mae. Look for her father, Aaron. She'll probably be with him."
But Sadie Mae wasn't with her father. She was hiding in the lilac bushes, bruised and scratched and crying...and afraid.
So begins the story of how the kids of the Circle C and their mothers saved a little girl in the new state of Oklahoma in 1911.