Tammy Wynette once sang, "Sometimes, it's hard to be a woman." She could have stopped right there.
As a matter of fact, it's usually hard to be a woman in a society that often seems intent on ignoring our unique challenges as human beings. Portrayed as "nurturing helpers," "mothers," or "shrews" women continue to struggle against a cluster of stereotypical roles attached to our sex.
While men have their own unique challenges and struggle under sex stereotypes of their own, many of the problems women face are rooted in our biological reality and our reproductive capacity. As young girls, we watch our bodies change and suddenly come under the male gaze. We begin to menstruate, experiencing the first indication of our "otherness" in the uncanny reality that we bleed every month yet don't die.
In this book, Sacred Woman Holistic Healing, you'll find a safe harbor from the storm that rages all around you. You'll find the healing that brings you and your way of being into the center of the conversation. Not an afterthought, women's healing is the subject of this book, and women's struggles are what we're all healing from.